Pigeonhole Live Blog: Insights on Audience Engagement

Introducing Quiz Leaderboard: Promote Healthy Competition!

Written by Ashkvina | December 27, 2018

You know what’s fun? Playing games. You know what’s more fun than playing games? Winning at them and then showcasing your victory.

Let’s face it, competition is entrenched in our evolutionary heritage. And despite the overwhelming bad press competition gets these days, a lil’ healthy competition every once in awhile never hurt anyone. If anything it makes activities more exciting and spurs people on.

So, we say use healthy competition to your advantage whenever you can. For example, when you’re dealing with sleepy heads that could use some adrenaline from a competitive quiz. Or when you want to organise a memorable team building exercise at your office that could leave an impression with your boss and colleagues. With the new Leaderboard, you can easily inject healthy competition and excitement into your activities.

Here’s everything you need to know about Quiz Leaderboard:

1. How is the ranking calculated?

Participants’ ranks are calculated based on the speed and accuracy of their answers and constantly updated after every quiz question. The scores are cumulative in nature and shows overall standing at each point.

2. Build hype with a dynamic scoreboard

Watch as participants rise and fall through the ranks after each question. It’s a real life hunger games moment!

Overall ranks are flashed after every question both on the participants' mobile device as well as the projector screen. And the best part? Only the top six players will appear on the Projector screen when the final scores are released.

Imagine the hype of going through a quiz session, fighting for your moment of glory!

3. What about the shy ones?

Worried about the silent genius in your audience that knows all the answer but wants none of the limelight? That’s fine, we’ve got that covered too.

We allow signed-in participants to get creative and secretive with their “play as” names. When a participant chooses to play the quiz anonymously, their scores will only be associated with their “play as” name in the final Excel export. That way, they get to experience the excitement of the game while keeping their identity concealed. 

4. Downloadable Insights

Whether you run a quiz for a product training session or a fun trivia, you need data to analyse how your participants fared so you can track your own performance.

You can easily download the Leaderboard Insights with any participant information that you collected and their corresponding scores. For those who played anonymously, the report only shows their “play as” name and the corresponding scores, with no association to their profile information.

It’s time to be the best quizmaster your audience have seen. Let the games begin!

Find out how to get started.