Pigeonhole Live Blog: Insights on Audience Engagement


Written by Lyon Lim | December 21, 2014

Since PigeonLab's inception in 2010, we've relied on phone calls, emails and in-person meetings to communicate directly with you. It was very old-school, but we enjoyed every bit of it even to this day. In October 2014, we launched an online sign-up where for the first time ever, anyone anywhere in the world could use Pigeonhole Live without relying on us to get them set up. Almost immediately, people we've never interacted with started creating accounts to try out Pigeonhole Live, and then going on to purchase Pigeonholes for use at their events. We dreamt of this day and we had finally achieved it!

A couple months on, there was great traction but we felt something was missing — interactions with you. With our regular customers, we could engage in a conversation with them to learn and discover the work that they do, receive feedback on our service, as well as to update and share our experience with them. We soon realised that we weren't having those conversations with those of you who signed up through the Dashboard!

(Currently, you can reach us via email at hello@pigeonlab.com as well as through tickets in your Dashboard's Help Centre. We also send very occassional updates to you via email.)

So, one of the improvements to quickly change that, is this blog. With this blog, we will be able to update you better on product improvements and features, as well as to share best practices on delivering better audience engagement at your events and more. Other initiatives that we will roll out next year will hone our feedback channels with the primary objective to support you better and make it easier for you to share your thoughts, suggestions, criticisms and more. Do keep them coming, as that will ultimately shape Pigeonhole Live in the years to come!

Thank you!

Lyon and Joon