Pigeonhole Live Blog: Insights on Audience Engagement

15 Benefits of Virtual Events and Conferences in 2024–2025

Written by Shadz Loresco | June 13, 2024

You already know this: in-person events are back and expected to reach pre-pandemic levels by 2025. Many people are thrilled to meet face-to-face and share experiences again. But for some, virtual events are still very much in the mix.

Online events offer unique value, such as global reach, cost savings, and eco-friendliness. Plus, they potentially unlock a new revenue stream, letting you monetise content and attract a larger portion of your target audience.

If you're eyeing this option as part of your event strategy, here are a host of benefits to motivate you to deliver a truly engaging and memorable experience. Who knows? Maybe you'll glean insights from your online gathering and use them at your next hybrid event.

1. Make your event more accessible to many people

Accessibility translates into reaching the broadest possible audience. The virtual setup doesn't only target a global customer base or an audience coming from various locations. It also draws those who may not actively choose to attend in-person events.

With online events, anyone with an internet and digital device can join. Someone concerned about reducing their carbon footprint—we’ll talk more about this later—can do so in their home. Another who isn't keen to travel far or mingle for days (hello, introverts 👋) can go to a coffee shop or a hot desk in a co-working space.

Additionally, this option supports those with physical challenges by providing assistive technologies, such as image alt text, American Sign Language (ASL), and closed captions.

Pro tip: Make virtual experiences more accessible by allowing your global attendees to ask and read questions in their own language. With Pigeonhole Live’s AI Translation, you can run real-time, multi-language Q&As to engage your diverse audience.

Currently supporting 25 languages, AI Translation lets you connect and increase understanding across diverse audiences

2. Reduce your expenses

Compared to their traditional in-person counterparts, virtual events are cheaper to organise. You don’t have to spend a hefty sum on the venue, audiovisual (AV) equipment, vendors, refreshments, and gifts and swags. The few things you must invest in, if you don’t have them yet, are the following:

  • Stable internet
  • Solid event registration software
  • User-friendly video conferencing platform
  • Complementary audience engagement tool
  • Lean team training
  • Working laptop
  • Good-quality microphone
  • Decent pair of headphones

3. Save time for everyone

Time efficiency is one of the most practical benefits of virtual conferences and summits. While you and your team still have to plan and prepare, you save time by automating pre-event steps like registration and coordinating with fewer vendors.

Meanwhile, participants reduce their commitment from days to hours since they don't need to pack up and travel to a physical location.

4. Offer content streaming flexibility

A content format that fits your audience’s learning styles and preferences ensures your content is engaging and educational. If you have a diverse audience, let them pick sessions that fit their time zone and schedule (some of these options allow asynchronous attendance):

  • Virtual live sessions with access to on-demand videos they can view at their convenience afterwards
  • Personalised agenda, e.g. participants select the breakout sessions that interest them
  • Online panels and discussions with interactive elements, e.g. audience vote on topics, ideas, and questions
  • Long presentations with evergreen content that you can convert later into video snippets

5. Enhance engagement

Among virtual events’ benefits, increased participation is the hardest to achieve. But it also has the greatest potential to transform your workshop, conference, panel discussion, or fundraiser into something memorable.

With persistence and creativity, you can recreate the energy of in-person events on your online stage. A Science of People survey found that TED Talk audiences respond more positively to smiles, nonverbal cues (hand gestures!), and vocal variety. Personalisation is also key. People engage more if tracks, content streams, and networking sessions are tailored to their expertise or interest.

Pro tip: Complement these with proven techniques like punctuating your non-interactive sessions with interactive visual elements.

Add a powerful, easy-to-use interactive platform like Pigeonhole Live to enrich the attendees' experience. Introduce gamified quizzes to set the mood and break the ice. Promote two-way conversations through features like live polls, Q&A, and chat, encouraging participants to chime in on a hot topic or ask keynote speakers their burning questions.

Launch a live chat, poll, or Q&A session where everyone gets to submit, comment on, or vote on questions that matter to them

6. Tailor networking tactics to online environments

Structured online socials are easier to implement. There’s less friction, especially for individuals who may be shy or not confident to network with those who don’t speak their language.

Participants can click on a button and get thrown into a random group or 1:1. Just make sure the mixers or breakout rooms only have a handful of members. It also helps to prepare:

  • A general script for the host to follow when introducing people or summarising what everyone said
  • A communication system to overcome the first shyness, e.g. giving everyone a chance to speak by "passing on the baton" to each other

7. Boost your brand strategy

If there's one thing people respect, it's an organisation whose people embody a spirit of resilience and innovation. Your ability to adapt quickly to the new normal positions your brand in a favourable light among your audience.

Even though hosting virtual events is now common, it still enhances your brand strategy, especially when combined with an in-person one (resulting in a hybrid gathering). Many people appreciate having choices when attending events due to their circumstances. Seize this opportunity to turn attendees into subscribers, who can eventually become customers and brand ambassadors.

Elevate online interactions with Pigeonhole Live

8. Collect data efficiently

One clear advantage of online over in-person is better analytics. With consent from your attendees, you can capture relevant audience data before, during, and after your virtual event or conference.

Here are a few data points you can collect:

  • Demographic data: Mix and match people with compatible goals or interests
  • Event data: See their clicks and page visits from the second they log in
  • Engagement data: Find out which sessions received the highest attendance and engagement scores
  • Audience feedback: Use real-time insights to make in-the-moment changes or apply direct feedback in your next event or conference

Our new and improved AI Insights—coming soon

9. Improve lead generation

Your attendees have already demonstrated interest, making them more likely to warm up to your message. Post-event, you can continue generating leads and building relationships with prospects.

For instance, repurpose the content of the talks and panel discussions into free or on-demand videos, social media posts, and blog pieces. This way, you can reach those who may be interested in your content but didn’t initially know about you or your event.

10. Achieve positive ROI

A list of host and sponsorship benefits for virtual events isn't complete without mentioning the return on investment. Real-life experiences prove online events and conferences bring results:

  • A survey found that 74% of event planners reported good ROI within six months of launching their virtual events
  • 87% of marketers say that virtual events have had a positive impact on their business

11. Reduce the risk for your attendees

Many things can go wrong in physical gatherings, such as adverse weather conditions, cancelled air flights, speakers getting stuck in traffic, overcrowding at the venue, and technical difficulties.

Online events eliminate four of these five examples. And the fifth one—technical issues—is predictable, allowing your team to create a backup plan. If your main device fails, you can launch a livestream or video call on a mobile phone. If an attendee loses connectivity, they can move on with their day and watch the recorded video later.

12. Scale your processes

Whether your online event is for 100 or 1,000, you can easily adjust the scale depending on your targets. Here’s the most obvious reason: virtual events don’t have the physical limits of an in-person one’s venue.

They also boast repeatable processes from registration to post-event. And lastly, you can streamline your event flow with automated features and capable tools in your event-organising tech stack, including Bizzabo, Kaltura, and Pigeonhole Live.

13. Promote eco-friendliness and sustainability

By conserving resources and reducing carbon footprint, digital workshops or conventions have less environmental impact. Plus, intentional choices can strengthen your commitment to sustainability, including:

  • Eliminating carbon emissions from transportation (especially if the opposite is having your attendees fly to your in-person event)
  • Minimising waste from food and materials, e.g. paper products
  • Optimising the use of electricity, heating and cooling, and other resources

14. Simplify event management

Online gatherings give you more control over the day's flow of events. You don't have to deal with the usual stress of logistics, equipment, training on-ground staff, or being in many places at once to meet stakeholders and media guests in person.

This means you can focus on ensuring your materials are ready and that you have all the digital tools—such as online event registration, video conferencing, webinar, and live polling and Q&A tools—to deliver a seamless experience for your attendees.

15. Transition into a hybrid event

As you expand your event strategy to include hybrid events, seamlessly integrate all your materials, learnings, and workflows with the in-person experience. This enables you to target people from specific locations—from New York to London to Singapore—while allowing your global attendees to participate.

This way, you maximise attendance and increase your impact.

Launch engaging, memorable virtual events

The power of online events is undeniable in the post-pandemic era. They connect diverse audiences, save you time and money, and provide unique opportunities for engagement.

Embrace the benefits outlined here to drive your business forward in 2024 and beyond. With the right strategies and tools, launch virtual events that not only captivate your attendees but also leave a lasting impression.

Create your first Pigeonhole at your next virtual event

Frequently asked questions

What is a virtual event?

A virtual event is a gathering that brings people together, getting them to interact online instead of meeting in a physical location. It involves activities, discussions, and presentations done through digital platforms, such as video conferencing, webinars, live streaming, and interactive forums.

Some elements of virtual events also transfer well to in-person and hybrid events.

What are the types of virtual events?

Virtual events come in various forms, including online conferences, webinars, workshops, virtual summits, trade shows, digital fundraisers, networking sessions, and interactive Q&As. These events cater to different goals and audience preferences, offering flexibility, accessibility, and scalability.

What are the benefits of virtual events?

Hosting an online event provides an array of benefits to organisers and the businesses they work for. It allows you to:

  • Reach a larger portion of your target audience
  • Reduce your expenses
  • Save time for everyone
  • Offer content streaming flexibility
  • Enhance engagement
  • Tailor networking tactics to online environments
  • Boost your brand strategy
  • Collect data efficiently
  • Improve lead generation
  • Achieve positive ROI
  • Reduce the risk for your attendees
  • Scale your processes
  • Promote eco-friendliness and sustainability
  • Simplify event management
  • Transition into a hybrid event easily