Pigeonhole Live Blog: Insights on Audience Engagement

Attendee Profiles, Now With More Flexibility and Control

Written by Ashkvina | December 12, 2018

“Which presentation had the most questions and votes from marketers?”

“Which attendees are interested to find out more about our investment products?”

“Which department is most concerned with the direction for the next quarter?”

Questions like these are common amongst organisers, be it for external events or internal, and to answer them you need data. Attendee information is a goldmine if collected in a structured and purposeful manner. To do so, you need to be able to customise and organise the way you collect attendee information.

The new Attendee Profiles allows you to do exactly that.

So, whether you’re an avid user or have yet to try our Attendee Profiles feature, here are some compelling reasons for you to check out the upgrade:

1. Add, edit, delete, duplicate…

Set up Attendee Profiles on your Pigeonhole Live Dashboard. 

Don’t like a default field? Delete it. Need a new information field? Add it. Fancy a new name or field type? Edit it. Want two of the same field? Duplicate it. You can even add an entire question for them to answer if you please.

With the new upgrade on Attendee Profiles, you’re the boss! So, you get to decide what attendee information to collect and how to collect it.

2. Standardise how information is being collected.

Audience can easily select pre-defined options from drop-down menu in the Audience Web App. 

Over the years organisations have become increasingly creative with naming their departments and staff positions. As a result, we have way too many titles for the same job scope. For example, the Supply Chain Management Department also goes by Procurement, Logistics, Operations… you get the idea.

So, letting your attendees fill in certain fields like department or position in their own words creates more trouble for you when collating the information post-event. Attendee Profiles now lets you set selectable options in a drop-down menu for attendees to choose, making your event data more standardised and coordinated.

3. Get to know attendees at a glance.

View attendees' profile cards from the Admin Panel.

Imagine a very active Q&A session on Pigeonhole Live, with many interesting questions coming from the same person. Wouldn’t you be interested in getting to know the attendee better? What industry does he/she work in? Which country is he/she from?

The new Attendee Profiles isn’t just about collecting attendee information. It’s also about having these information at hand when you need it the most. Now, you can simply click on the attendee’s name to view their Profile Card (which contains all the information fields you collected) at a glance from your Admin Panel.

4. Better insights, better analysis.

What do all these mean? Simply. Better. Insights.

By getting to control and organise the way you understand your attendees, you have a more complete interaction insights at the end of your event. Interaction Insights in your Excel export will be identified by each signed-in attendee giving you a more comprehensive understanding on the dynamics of your event. With that you get to raise the bar for your next event!

5. Always. Get. Consent.

In the post GDPR and PDPA world it’s important to remember that personal data always comes hand in hand with consent. Our settings includes a GDPR and PDPA compliant consent form by default so you don’t forget to get to know your attendees with their consent. For more information on our privacy policy and compliance refer to this article.

We really hope you enjoy the new Attendee Profiles! Check out this article to learn how to set it up. 

If you have more suggestions on how we can make Pigeonhole Live better for you, drop us note.