Pigeonhole Live Blog: Insights on Audience Engagement

Introducing the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom Meetings

Written by Ashkvina | September 22, 2021

We’re thrilled to announce that the Pigeonhole Live app is now live on the Zoom App Marketplace

With the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom we aim to bring all of our great interactive features such as our powerful Q&A tool, 5 different types of polls, word clouds, quizzes, surveys and more directly into your Zoom meetings. With the app, meeting hosts can easily cut out the awkward silences that can plague meetings while meeting participants can easily voice their ideas, questions, and feedback.

The end result: a productive, fun, and engaging meeting experience for all! 

The Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom Meetings

Set up Q&As with just one click

Start engaging meeting participants in no time! When you add the Pigeonhole Live app to your Zoom meeting, a Q&A is automatically created for you without any additional steps.

Manage Q&As right from your meeting window

Meeting hosts get a dedicated admin view within their meeting window where they can access powerful admin features. 

Hosts can moderate participants’ questions to filter out irrelevant or inappropriate questions to keep meeting discussions focused and productive. They can also close the loop for any questions they weren’t able to address during the meeting by adding text answers.

Create multiple choice, rating polls, and word clouds

Meeting hosts can also create multiple choice, rating polls, and word clouds directly in their Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom without leaving the meeting window. Once created, meeting participants can immediately see the poll and participate in it. It’s a great way to get a quick pulse on you team, make decisions together, and get feedback!

On top of that, meeting hosts can manage key session settings as well as send announcements to their meeting participants from the admin view. 

Accurate attendee analytics 

When meeting participants’ install the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom, Pigeonhole Live will receive their Zoom name and email address. This way, the meeting host gets accurate participation analytics at the end of the meeting. 

However, if you allow anonymous Q&A, and participants choose to ask questions anonymously, rest assured that they will not be identified (and neither their Zoom name nor email address will be included) in the participation insights that can be accessed on Pigeonhole Live’s Workspace after the meeting.

Add more sessions and settings

It doesn't stop there! Meeting hosts have the option to add open-ended polls, quizzes, and surveys to their Zoom meeting via the Pigeonhole Live Workspace. Meeting participants will be able to participate in the polls, quizzes, and surveys from within their Zoom meeting window. 

Meeting hosts can also access more advanced settings on their Pigeonhole Live Workspace where they can extend Q&A duration (if their plan allows it), disable anonymity, and more. 

*We are currently working on supporting creation of open-ended polls and quizzes directly from your Zoom meeting window in the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom. More updates on this coming soon!

When to use the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom?

Collect questions efficiently 

Give your meeting participants an avenue to voice questions and clarify doubts without talking over each other or interrupting the presenter. Participants can also upvote questions they like best and add comments to build micro-discussions around specific topics.

As a meeting host, you can filter questions by number of votes to find the ones that matter most to your participants, and add text answers for any questions that didn’t have time to address during the meeting. 

At the end of the meeting, you can download a detailed PDF report on all participant questions on your Pigeonhole Live Workspace.

Brainstorm ideas 

Capture your team’s best ideas easily and efficiently with an open-ended poll or word cloud. Your meeting participants can submit and vote on ideas to collectively surface the best ones. Polls also provide visual aid to your team’s decision-making process, ensuring that no idea or vote gets buried in the noise. 

All your submissions and comments are also captured neatly into a PDF and Excel report that you can download after the meeting from your Pigeonhole Live Workspace. 

Meeting ice breakers

Start your meetings with a quick trivia quiz or fun poll to energise your team and warm everyone up. You can also use short polls and quizzes to break up long discussions and boost energy levels during a meeting! 

Get feedback instantly 

Use multiple choice polls and rating polls, to get instant feedback so you can always stay on top of your team’s sentiments. All poll and survey results are captured in a PDF and Excel report that you can use to analyse post-meeting. 

Start a Q&A in just 3 steps 

1. Start your Zoom meeting 

Start a scheduled or new Zoom meeting as usual. 

2. Launch Pigeonhole Live

Click on the Apps icon on the bottom of your meeting window, search for Pigeonhole Live, and click open. A Q&A will be automatically created for you. 

3. Send the app to your participants 

Send the app to your participants with one click and start collecting questions, votes, and comments! 


For more detailed instructions on how to set up the Pigeonhole Live app for Zoom, check out our help centre guide.