Pigeonhole Live Blog: Insights on Audience Engagement

Admin Panel Update: Adjust Session Time and Settings On-the-Fly

Written by Ashkvina | March 24, 2021

We’ve added a new session controls to the Admin Panel that's going to make live event management even more convenient and stress-free so you can put forth your best events! 

Event admins can now access key control functions and event statistics (that were previously only available on the Workspace) directly on the Admin Panel, such as: 

  • Extending session end-time or set a new end time
  • Viewing session level statistics 
  • Managing session settings such as question filtering, accepting new questions etc 
  • Viewing and managing any parent or nested sessions for each session
  • Hiding and unhiding sessions

Simply enter a session on the Admin Panel and click on the settings icon to access the side bar with all your session controls.

Adjusting session times

No more stressing about whether your session is over or under running!  With the new session controls you can adjust your session timings on the fly right from the Admin Panel, without having to go to the Workspace. 

The sidebar shows you the current end time and a countdown timer to the end of the session. If you need to extend your session time you can do so by clicking on the “Change end time” button on the right. On the drop-down menu you can select “+ 15 min”, “+ 30 min” or “+ 1 hour”, or set a custom end time. You can also choose to end or start a session immediately. 

Viewing session-level statistics

Event admins can now access key statistics for each session without having to navigate to the Workspace. You can easily keep track of the participation rate for your sessions and even send announcements to boost the participation rate.  

Below are the statistics displayed for each session type. 

Managing session settings 

For each session type, you can also access key settings that you may need to turn on and off during the session from the side bar so you can always be on top of the incoming audience responses.

These are the settings that are accessible from the side bar if you have them available in your Pigeonhole plan: 


  • Accept new questions
  • Questions Filtering
  • Comment Filtering 
  • Hide Session 


  • Accept New Messages
  • Message Filtering 
  • Hide Session 

 Word Cloud, & Open-ended Poll

  • Accept new responses
  • Answer Filtering 
  • Comment Filtering 
  • Hide Session 

Multiple choice, Quiz, Assessment & Survey

  • Hide Session 

Viewing and managing nested/parent sessions

If the session you are viewing has related parent or nested child session, related sessions will also be displayed in the side bar below the session settings. You can have a quick overview of the number of live participants in these sessions on the right-hand side and hide or unhide the sessions by clicking on the eye icon. 


Click to learn more about the new session controls on the Admin Panel.