Pigeonhole Live Blog: Insights on Audience Engagement

See when new questions are arriving on the Admin Panel

Written by Lyon Lim | March 1, 2017

You've already  taken the initiative to inform your audience to post questions on Pigeonhole Live. Now comes the exciting part where you actually receive questions from your audience.

You're probably thinking, is anyone going to actually post questions? The answer, thankfully, is a resounding yes! You're probably also experiencing some anxiety while waiting for the first few questions to arrive. This is a common experience that many event organizers share.

Our latest improvement helps reduce some of your anxiety in such situations. (No, it doesn't magically come up with questions for your Q&A session)

When attendees are typing in the question box on the Audience Web App, we'll actually bring up a typing indicator on the Admin Panel and show you how many are crafting a new question! This feature will show you in real-time how many attendees are actively crafting a new question, allowing you to anticipate the flow of incoming questions and better manage your Q&A sessions.

Besides Q&A, this also works for open-text Poll answers.

We're also thinking hard about many other areas that we can work on to improve both the audience as well as organiser experience. We value your feedback and suggestions in our ongoing efforts to provide the best audience engagement tool. If you have any suggestions, reach me here!