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The Ultimate Guide to Working Remotely

Written by Annie Teh | July 3, 2020

Remote work can be a tough adjustment for many companies, but studies have shown that it is here to stay. Companies perceive little to no loss in productivity (as previously feared), and 41% of employees will likely work remotely at least part of the time, an increase from the 30% before the pandemic.

Nonetheless, it can be a tough adjustment for some and a struggle to master. Employee engagement takes on a new form when workers aren't in the same office, which means teams, managers, and HR teams will have to adjust their methods to stay connected.

To help you along, we've compiled our best articles on remote work. We've broken the content down to these categories:

Tips for Transitioning to Remote Work


Adjusting to working remotely can be tough; being a manager transitioning a team or a company to working remotely brings its own unique set of challenges. These tips and tricks will help you and your team prepare to work remotely while staying productive.

7 Tips to Prepare Your Company To Work Remotely

5 Powerful Tips To Make Remote Work Productive for Your Team

Closing the Geographical Gap: How to Connect Remote Teams

Running Virtual Meetings


Meetings are the key interactions of each workplace. Ensuring that they go right can mean the difference between a productive workplace and a mess of miscommunications. This list of articles will help you keep your meetings efficient and productive. 

20 Tips on How to Host an Effective Video Meeting

10 (Realistic) Ways to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Interactive

30 Simple Tips To Run Effective Virtual Meetings

DOs and DON’Ts for a Successful Virtual Town Hall

Useful Tools for Remote Teams


Transitioning your team to remote working doesn't have to be manual. There are plenty of tools that you can employ to help you transition to a remote workplace.

20 Collaboration Platforms to Keep Your Team Productive In The Pandemic and Beyond

10 Tips and Softwares to Run a Successful Virtual Town Hall

The Future of Work


What is in store for us in the future of the workplace, and what will remote work evolve? We take a lot at how the workplace is changing, and how we can adapt to it.

Is Remote Work Here to Stay? A Look at the Future Workplace

Effective Communication with Remote Teams


Communicating can be a struggle when you're used to just walking over to someone's desk to get hold of them. Each interaction becomes more intentional. Here are some guides to communicating effectively, in the physical and virtual workspace.

How to Keep Employees Engaged in the Midst of Organisational Change

East vs West: How workplace communication is affected by culture

Why You Should Support Different Working and Communication Styles in The Workplace

Four Simple Communication Rules That Can Change Your Company Culture

Employee Engagement and Mental Health


Maintaining the heart of the workplace is vital for every team. On top of being productivity, ensuring that employees are healthy, happy, and secure in their roles no matter what happens will ensure your company's growth.

10 Employee Engagement Ideas for Remote Workers

8 Fun Activities To Inject Laughter Into The Remote Workplace

Why Your Team’s Mental Health is More Important Now Than Ever

What Is Psychological Safety at Work, and Why It Matters

10 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation in the Workplace Every Day


Pssst -- Have you heard the news? We’ve made all our integrations with collaboration tools (like Zoom, Cisco Webex, and MS Teams) free till 31st Dec 2020! Click the link below to find out more: